You might be a Wisconsinite if ..... - you define Summer as three months of bad sledding... - your definition of a small town is one that only has one bar... - snow tires come standard on all your cars... - at least 50% of your relatives work on a dairy farm... - you have ever gotten frostbitten and sunburned in the same week... - you can identify a Michigan accent... - you know what "cow-tipping" is..... - you learned to drive a tractor before the training wheels were off your bike... - "Down South" to you means Chicago... - traveling coast to coast means going from Superior to Milwaukee... - the "Big Three" means Miller, Old Milwaukee & PBR - a brat is something you eat ... - you know that Eau Claire is not something you eat..... - you have no problem spelling Milwaukee.. - you got a passport to go to Minnesota... - you don't have a coughing fit from one sip of Pabst Blue Ribbon... - you used to think Deer Season was included as an official school holiday... - You know that Gotham is a real city... - You can actually pronounce and spell Oconomowoc... - you know what a bubbler is..... - the snow on your roof in August weighs more than you do... - your idea of creative landscaping is a statue of a cow next to your blue spruce... - you think there should be a "FIB go home" bumper sticker on every car north of Madison... - a Friday night out is taking your girlfriend shining for deer... - you go out for fish fry on every Friday... - you go to work in a snowsuit in the morning and return home wearing shorts... - when you tell someone where you are from and they say: 'I thought that was part of Canada'... - your idea of the seasons is Winter, Spring and the 4th of July... - you know how to polka.... - you think that Lutheran and Catholics ARE the major religions..... - formal wear is a flannel shirt, blue jeans and a baseball cap... - your children describe their summer vacation out of state as a "trip to Door County..." - you have to go to Florida to get a tan in August... - you define "swimming season" as Labor Day weekend... - your 4th of July Family Picnic was moved indoors due to frost... - you know where the city of Waunakee is AND can pronounce it (by the way, Waunakee is a village!)... - you have more fishing poles than teeth... - you decided to have a picnic this summer because it fell on a weekend...